Look of the dayMen's FashionShenanigans

Ok FINE, Take Your Pants Off.

Occasionally I stealth my way in to posting on Berry’s blog. Oh, you thought she’d invited me to? Nuh uh – I totally vampire-ninja in past her security, hack her blog and post with malicious and fashionable intent. Then I leave it there locked in for her to discover when she wakes up. The only thing that stops me from doing it more often is that my photography “skills” are frankly ass, and so the lingering remnants of my conscience usually puts the brakes on.

I found a way around it though. This time I got her to take the photos.

Not the first time I’ve blogged with wings; even 7 years after I’ve been in Second Life I still have that newbie love for them. Especially when they are made this well, but then everything that Europa makes is. These are the Shryke wings, and for just 250l you get 16 different unscripted colours in both these badass tattered versions and a pristine wing.  Accourse I needed the raggedy ones to properly get my vampire on – and for Berry to capture this amazing shadow silhouette – and with that the Death Row Designs Demon Hands were the perfect foil.

I also want to mention my clothes, as few as there are of them. Some slithericious Snake Leather Jim Pants from Legal Insanity managed to just cover my bits, be glad you didn’t have to see the back view. There’s room to park a bicycle – tandem one. Easily. My harness was from the Fantasy Gacha Carnival of last month – sorry! – but Dark Prophet Designs still carry a range of similar ones for both male and female at their store. My boots are Raemones from Lucien.Marcelo who have some really interesting items if you love black. Like me.

I semi-sincerely apologise for subjecting you to a close up of my nipples but I had to share my happiness in how Ikon has a smaller size of eye now, even if I am drowning them out in Corvus Fighter Eyeshadow. Why let pandas have all the fun? I also haven’t been able to take the Darmody hair by Action off since I bought it, it’s the first hair I’ve fatpacked in years. Makes a lot of sense for a guy that only… wears one colour… godamnit.

As a final indulgence, I had poor beleaguered Berry take a “boudoir” version of these pictures. Complete with red chaise and curtains. For no particular reason at all, Eve Petlyakov-Jefferson.  (NSFW!) I did realise that I have to provide Berry’s clients with a Public Service Announcement of the most serious kind. Here’s what happens when you turn up at your shoot.


And finally I just realised today that her Facebook page has just hit 3000 likes! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

Winter Jefferson

YES I have my own blog at incoldbloodsl.blogspot.com but sometimes I like to be outclassed over here too. It's fun dragging the median quality of Berry's blog down! You may know me as the blogger/model/producer/publicist pale vampire with the white hair, but you more likely know me as "UGH not that guy, I hate that guy."

6 thoughts on “Ok FINE, Take Your Pants Off.

  • I cannot stop smiling and sort-of laughing too – from delight! This was a joy to read (and see!). I agree with Prisilla – especially about that handsome part (with apologies to Eve and my Aeon).
    That post is completely full of information about places I must go now. With my purse and Aeon in tow. Thank you, Mr. Jefferson. Those wings! O M D ! (I’m a bit French, you see, so it’s Oh, Mon Dieu for me…)
    Anyway, I loved this – and Berry, those photos are striking. They soooo appeal to that dark side of me…

  • LOLLLLLLLLLLL I just died laughing at the Facebook comment. You’re the biggest brat I know and I love and hate you like crazy. <3 And I also love that yer always shirtless on my blog. 😛

  • anderian sugarplum

    Woot .. I likey .. 🙂

  • LOL this post is just hilarious! Almost sprayed coffee all over my screen reading the facebook comment.



    Dark Prophet Designs’s landmark may need updating.

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