
The Drax Files – Elie Spot

The Drax Files: Episode 9: Elie Spot

Earlier this week Draxtor Despres asked me to come by the Mayfair sim and take a picture of him in front of the Mon Tissu store. When I landed there I was surprised to see him dressed up as a bloom doll, lol! I usually see him looking like this, with his braids and cool glasses. I thought it was adorable that he still had his infamous cartoon pants on though! Anyhow I digress, at the shoot I found out that for his next episode, he was featuring Elie Spot of Mon Tissu. I loved this episode as it really shows a healthy mixture of sl and rl. Elie is beautiful and talented in both worlds.

Here’s a link to it on youtube so you can watch it in full HD:

Inara Pey always does a little interview with Drax for every episode. I love these posts as it gives a bit of a behind-the-scenes glimpse to the episode and adds more to the story. You can check out the latest post here: The Drax Files 9: Fashioning your world

While I was shooting, we were on skype together and he showed me some clips of the upcoming episode. When I heard Elie say Mon Tissu I was like, “OMG THIS WHOLE TIME I HAVE BEEN SAYING TISSUE!” Of course Drax started laughing at me wondering WHY would I be saying “tissue” all this time. I don’t know why I assumed that but recently I did a video tutorial where I said “slink” and someone left a comment saying they always called it s-link. Sometimes I just don’t know how to pronounce certain store names, and sometimes when I think I DO know how to pronounce them, turns out I was pronouncing them wrong the whole time!!!

I recently had a discussion about this on plurk. I never knew how to pronounce Trompe Loeil either. Are there any store names that you guys have a hard time pronouncing?


Strawberry has been a Second Life Resident since 2007 and a Linden Lab employee since 2019.

10 thoughts on “The Drax Files – Elie Spot

  • Osprey Terasaur

    I did have trouble with your name for awhile! For a really long time my mind read your name as Strawberry Sighs instead of Singh … I still have to correct myself because it is so firmly stuck in my head that way! 🙂

  • Trompe Loeil I figured as sounding like the French, but yeah, there’re plenty of shops I’ve debated on pronunciation. Reila is my latest one to wonder about: RAY-luh? RYE-la?

  • Yes, Nath, Trompe Loeil is french. The real way to write it is Trompe L’oeil. This word means illusion. Like a picture that shows something but is you look at in another way, it represents something else. Going on the web to show you a example.

  • Berry, contact me inworld and i will go onn voice and telle you the pronounciation of trompe l’oeil. My first language is french.

  • Thanks for the mention!

    The little chats with Drax are fun, although we’ve digressed so far from the original conversation (which didn’t get fully covered in the first 2 parts of the “conversation pieces”), I’m not sure we’ll ever get back to them! :D.

  • Osprey, no worries, apparently a lot of people had trouble with my name, lol. I’ve heard all kinds of variations, that’s why I started saying my full name in my video tutorials so people get used to it hahaha.

    Wild, yeah actually I finally learned how to say it properly. Someone was nice enough to link this in my plurk, which helped a lot with pronunciation:

  • Mellyn Llewellyn

    Baiastice – I mean, really. How do you pronouce aia? I completely screw this up, even the part that makes sense: -stice whould be st + eye + s, but I say something like Bast + ee + on + s in my head, can’t even get the easy part right.

  • I love this edition of The Drax Files! Actually, I have enjoyed them all, so far. This one really gives clarity and emphasis to the fact that many, many of us here are regular people with active and satisfying “real lives” off the grid – it’s just that SL gives us so many new opportunities to enjoy and create that we find our way here. And stay.
    Thank you for posting about this episode, Berry!
    Merci bien !

  • Pingback: Enjoying the Drax Files | Songs from the Coalface

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