Social NetworksTechnology

Second Life Profiles Wish List

SL Profiles Wish List

Second Life profiles are now live and there are certainly a lot of mixed emotions about them. I for one, really love them and I believe with the right features and settings, they will be very beneficial, especially to content creators.

I did a post earlier this morning on my profile, you can read and contribute to it at this link, where I shared what changes I would like to see within the profiles. I would love for you guys to add your wishes as well and perhaps someone who is very good at writing jiras can create one with all these features or point us in the direction of different jiras that are already in place for some of these.

Here are the top five on my wish list:

  1. Add more social network links (such as facebook pages) – Because of Facebook’s policies a lot of SLers have now created facebook pages for themselves, instead of profiles. I would love to be able to add a link to my Facebook page since right now my facebook profile link is empty on my sl profile.
  2. Edit our posts, or at least the initial posts that we make if editing replies are not a possibility. I know I struggle in grammar and spelling and would love to be able to correct myself later or reword things a bit better if needed.
  3. Android/iphone apps – Most of my social networking is done on my phone on the go. When I’m actually sitting at my computer, I’m usually doing work. So an app for my android (or for those that have iphones) would be wonderful and much appreciated.
  4. Two settings for the feed – “read” and “write” – I think this would be an important feature, especially for content creators. It would be wonderful to be able to set your read setting to “everyone” so you have the ability to share whatever you like on your profile (new releases, blog posts, etc…) without having to worry about who is writing on your profile. You can change your “write” settings to friends only or nobody and make your feed just purely for your announcements (for lack of a better word).
  5. The ability to split up our friends list into different groups/circles. – Sometimes we may have people in our friends list that are just business associates while others are close friends. It would be great to be able to separate these and only post to that group or circle whenever necessary.

View more and add your own wishes to the wishlist in my post here.

Privacy Settings

Privacy Settings

Now that we have the wishlist covered, I’d also like to briefly discuss some of the privacy settings because I know some people were very concerned about their privacy and being bombarded by people who they don’t know writing on their walls. There is an option in the settings to set it to nobody. Once you do that, nobody can see your feed or leave comments on your profile. Take a look at my alt’s Berrylicious’ profile. I have almost everything for her set to nobody or friends only. This is how your profile will look to others once you do that. For more privacy settings, check out Alicia Cheneaux’s informative post.


Above statement is in my real world section in my sl profile.

Finally, lets get to the topic of friendship in SL. I know in the past majority of people were very protective of their friends list and who they would like to add to it. That is of course, completely understandable because we all have our own activities inworld that keep us busy. We may own a store, provide a service or perhaps we just like to have some time to ourselves. That of course can be difficult when you have a huge friends list and people always wanting to IM you.

Opensource Obscure makes a lot of sense in his post here on his profile, that friendship in SL will change drastically for a lot of us after the implementation of these profiles. We may or may not want to be more open with our friend list because the “home” button will show us what others are talking about and adding to their profiles.

I am definitely going to be more open to adding people to my friend list, as I usually am on all my social networks. But I know this will take a bit of getting used to as my friend list inworld gets bigger and people will know when I am online inworld. I don’t have a huge problem with that, my only concern is I have very limited time to actually log into SL and when I do I am usually in a photoshoot, or helping Zaara and Sawyer or taking shameless ass shots to add to my collection. Therefore I would REALLY love it if you guys didn’t send me any random teleports (in case I’m naked and I click it :P).

So please feel free to visit my profile and friend me! I would love to get to know you guys better, see what you share on your profiles and interact with you there. I also wanted to add, I am very lucky and fortunate enough to have a lot of talented and skilled people in my friends list. So please feel free to ask me any questions on my profile about shadows and photography that you would normally IM me about. I don’t always have all the answers, but if you ask me on my profile, someone else from my list might be able to input something very valuable.

I honestly have to say that I really like this change. I think it will be beneficial to a lot of people if used properly. I look forward to interacting and getting to know you all! Friend me! <3 » I added this to my tutorials page because of the brief mention of privacy settings. You can view all of my current tutorials on my tutorials page.


Strawberry has been a Second Life Resident since 2007 and a Linden Lab employee since 2019.

9 thoughts on “Second Life Profiles Wish List

  • There’s a lot yet that I’d love to see LL do with these new profile features. If LL has developed any sense then upgrading the current SL “Friends List” to a proper “Contacts List” with the ability to organize contacts into groups and filter on both a group and individual level how people interact with your profile features would be a priority.

    However, arguably more important would be linking SL’s new profile features to land, groups and events.

    Last Saturday I wrote my own wishlist for “social profiles” and described how I’d like to see LL upgrade the group, land and event profiles to implement certain features, such as the “interest tags”.

    Imagine if your “Recommendations” tab threw shops, locations, groups and events at you based on your interests? That would be far more useful than having other SL users recommended as “friend fodder”.

    Imagine if you could filter searches by interest categories, too.

    I’d also like to see LL implement profile calendars. Imagine if you could RSVP for events and have them appear on your profile calendar, sending you reminders as the event drew near, or notices if the event managers had changed anything about the event (time, location, et cetera).

    Imagine being able to look at a group profile and see all the events on that group’s calendar, then being able to look at a land parcel’s profile and seeing all the events slated to take place on that piece of land.

    Events could be made into a much more valuable social tool in this way.

  • OMG I absolutely LOVE the calendar idea! I currently use google calendars for all my events and appointments inworld and that would be an amazing feature for me. I’ll read up on your post too. Thanks for the comment and also for the add on twitter!

  • on a minor note, I’d like some AJAX on the wall, so we don’t have to refresh the page to see what’s new. :]

  • Oscar Page

    Who are you again? 😛

  • It’s funny, your wishlist just described… google + !!! 😉 But LL is far from being that clever and reactive to what people want or need.
    Personally I find very sad that a social network is in fact antisocial: either you have RL or you have SL, you can’t have both.
    My 1st impression on the profile pages is that it’s too limited and 2ndHub is more fun. But I’m curious so I’ll try it more and see where it goes…

  • Kisme Dawes

    This may be just me, but can you get to your Profile page from being logged into I’m on my dashboard and for the life of me I can’t find the Profile page. Am I missing something… My apologies in advance if I am overlooking something super obvious. I feel like if it was a snake it would bite me, but I just don’t see it.


  • Miyoko, I’m sure it’ll get better as we keep using it and giving feedback. I am actually looking forward to all the updates! 🙂

    Kisme, as far as I know, there is no link to get to your profile from You actually need to go to this link:
    and login from there.

  • hmmmmm, Kisme seems to be right. When loging into ‘the SL webpage my ‘Dashboard’ comes up with no link anywhere to my profile. I have to type my name into search to get there >.< or i am as blind as he

  • Talon Snowpaw

    I would like a vendor group list for vendors only. Then my other group list open for work as I am a DJ and need at least 2 groups per club.
    Then there is family, and supporters groups. How can this be solved?

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